I am seeing a ton of Day in the Life Of..... posts. Well. I am not a stay-at-home mom, or a entrepreneur. Or on a bike tour or doing anything that anyone really is interested in.
But I do commute an 1.5 hours in NYC, between three boroughs (Bk, Manh, and Qns). And every day is interesting. So today I decided to keep my phone up and log what happens. Because you know, eventually I'll miss it and want to reminisce. Right?
Walk to station, see my train pulling away. Running to catch it is futile.
Walk through hoards of people, try to get into a turnstile before it's overrun be people leaving the station.
Listen to a person next to me smack and smack on her breakfast roll. Remember how my aversion to an morning egg sandwich in a this situation alerted me to possibly being pregnant in July. Realize that it's going to be awhile before I stop talking about or remembering our first pregnancy.
Read some blogs on FeedMe, an app that allows me to read my blogs from Feedly while commuting. I'm lucky enough to go over the Manhattan Bridge for 3 minutes and also to have an above ground station before my train goes underground. This way, I can update my feeds/email/send a text while waiting and listening to someone next to me eat with their mouth opened. Always happens.
Have either a person who is too large or to smelly or with tons of shopping bags sit down on me. I mean next to me.
Today it's took large person with bags. Not yet warranting me to look for another seat. We'll see if she keeps hitting me with her stuff.
I've no clue why this text is staying tiny..
Above ground in Manh bridge. Update RSS, email, send text to Tom.
Check fb. Flip through new uploaded photos.
Wonder if the lady next to me is a tourist. I cough as she leans on top of me for this view. If she wants a good view she should stand by the windows. Otherwise it's like your staring at those across from you which is to be avoided.
Gaze at the skyline. Be grateful to live in a beautiful city (parts of anyway) and to have this view every morning.
Notice that the Todoist app I downloaded while waiting for the train to arrive finished downloading on the bridge.
Notice that they ask what Gmail account I want to use with it. I make a mental note to learn how to change all my phone settings to go with the new email, since I've been keeping the old one alive because I didn't want to mess up my phone settings.
After making mental note, make an actually note in the app that made meet think of it to begin with.
Girl drops her coffee cup next to my foot and I get splattered. On a day I wrote flip flops.
Transfer from the N to the D at 34th, and see a train pulling in.
Repeat F, F, F, F until I see that it is actually the F train! Only two trains for me today,sometimes I have to take 3 or 4.
"Queens? Queens?" I would normally think this was another tourist except that she's going to Queens, isn't dressed up like shes on a safari or ready to get discovered. It happens.
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(urban jungle joke here) |
Train is going fast enough, but I need to be to work at 11. I'll make or be 10:20 i guess.
No use worrying about it. Open Bible app and read Jeremiah.
Train pulls into station. Barrel upstairs. Get to work.
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