Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10 Goals for October

This week has so far been a whirlwind of "responsibility" and "work", so I've had no time to write these past few days. 

But I do have plans, goals even. Let me document them, because then I will hopefully be guilted* into doing them everytime I see them posted for the world to see. 

October Goals

1. Purge and reorganize, focusing on misc. storage. I refuse to have so many junk drawers!

2. Make homemade bread.

3. Get a system to clean shower. After every shower.

4. Make an alternative to cream of...soups.

5. Choose new stove.

6. Celebrate and have amazing visit in PA @ my brother's wedding.

7. Put all summer clothes in storage or on the curb.

8. Clean all the windows and baseboards.

9. Reserve car for trip to visit sister in January.

10. Find a plant I can keep alive. 

I grew this from a seedling.
Then murdered it by abandoning it while on our honeymoon.

*is 'guilted' really not a word?

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